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Weight Loss

We've all had that moment where we thought to ourselves, 'if only I kept on going with that healthy stint I was on...' or the classic, 'I'll start on Monday...'


Well there is no time like the present to take control back from the choc chip cookie and couch...


At The Total Health Kick we aim to equip you with the skills to empower yourself in your flab-fight. It is possible to win and we want you to believe it too.


In your personal training package you'll get access to recipes, eating guides and tips to incorporate into your lifestyle. You can even sign up for our nutrition coaching plan if you feel you need an extra hand to get you back on track. 


Our workouts are planned around you, your likes, goals and current health level and condition. Workouts are short, but intense to be easily fitted into your day, giving you plenty of time for everything else you have to do. 


Our aim is to keep losing weight as affordable and achievable as possible. 


Contact us to arrange a time to catch up over a cuppa and discuss your goals and options. Let us be there for you through this challenge and help you achieve your goals!

Weightloss programs start from just $30

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